Rick McGill's Airport Toyota

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Mar 3, 2022
7 signs your toyota could use a transmission repair in alcoa, tn

It’s important that you stay ahead of your vehicle’s maintenance needs to keep the vehicle running correctly, and that includes getting transmission repair as needed. Here are some signs that it’s time to visit your Knoxville-area Toyota dealer to have your transmission checked out.


1. Burning Smell Is Present

Taking a whiff and seeing what you smell while the vehicle is in operation can give you some indication of whether or not transmission issues are present. Pay attention to any burning smells that you can pick up while driving. Your transmission may be overheating, and you should bring the vehicle in for service as soon as possible.

2. Stuck Going Through the Gears

Your transmission is responsible for your vehicle’s ability to effectively work its way through the different gears it shifts through. Problems with your transmission may prevent the vehicle from shifting into another gear when you normally would expect it to. This is likely an issue with your transmission or transmission fluid.

3. Slipping Through Gears Unexpectedly

On the other hand, transmission issues can also lead to a vehicle shifting when you don’t prompt it to do so. This sudden gear slippage can be a frightening and potentially dangerous situation. If you notice this behavior in your vehicle, bring it in for transmission service immediately.

4. Leaking Fluid Present Beneath the Vehicle

Next time you move your vehicle from a driveway or parking space, take a look on the ground underneath where the vehicle was. You may notice a red, sweet-smelling fluid present. This is transmission fluid, and seeing it pool under the vehicle is a sign of a leaky transmission that needs to be addressed.

5. Grinding or Shaking When Shifting Gears

Issues with your transmission prevents you from getting the smooth ride that you expect from your vehicle. If you notice the vehicle shaking or lurching when you change gears, something may be wrong with your transmission. A grinding, metallic sound when you change gears is another sign of a problem.

6. Burnt or Cloudy-Looking Transmission Fluid

Checking your fluids is a great way to gauge your vehicle’s overall health. Take a look at the transmission fluid, and pay attention for any burnt or cloudy-looking appearance that differs from how it usually looks. Dark and opaque fluid is a clear indication of trouble with your transmission.

7. Problem Indicated by the Check Engine Light

Your vehicle is designed to monitor for problems and alert you to them so that you can address any maintenance concerns promptly. Your check engine light could be indicating any number of different problems with your vehicle, including transmission issues. Bring your vehicle in as soon as you notice this light to get to the bottom of the problem.

Don’t delay if you notice any potential issues with your transmission. Bring your vehicle into our service department so our experienced technicians can take care of any problems that you’re having. Visit Rick McGill’s Airport Toyota today!